


International roundtable

On November 7 the international roundtable for multinationals with a broad based employee ownership scheme and the non-profit organisations for promoting employee ownership will be held in Utrecht.



13:00 hrs.  Arrival international guests
13:30 hrs. Start roundtable 
Opening by Pascale Nieuwland-Jans
en, director SNPI (Netherlands Participation Institute
13.40 - 14.40 hrs.  

erik poutsma-1             
Presentation Erik Poutsma of Radboud University (confirmed)

Overview of 40 years of research on employee ownership. Lessons learned and best practices.

14.45-15.10 hrs. kees-1    To the website of VICompany
Presentation Kees de Koning, founder and co-owner of VI Company, an SME company with a broadbased employee ownership scheme since 2016.

15.10-15.35 hrs.
Presentation Robert Scallon  Thales - Launch of a new ownership scheme at Thales
15.35-16.30 hrs  Q&A and discussion

16:30 - 17.00 hrs.  



17:30 hrs.  


Followed bij SNPI-dinner event 18.30 - 21.30 hrs

Read more Dinner


This roundtable is only for companies with an international broad-based plan. It is an exclusive network and exists since 2015. This event can be attendend when being a member of SNPI, IAFP, Fondact, AGP, ETION or Proshare). 

Consultants, lawyers and service-providers cannot attend the roundtable. The roundtable is "company only".

The network has two main objectives:
1. A platform for multinationals with share-plans
2. To exchange knowledge and information about international plans

SNPI is the founder of this network and every year a roundtable is organised somewhere in Europe together with our international partners (AGP, ProShare, IAFP, Fondact and ETION).

If you are a member of SNPI, AGP, ProShare, Fondact, IAFP or Etion you can participate for free. If you are not a member, but interested in joining this roundtable, please contact SNPI (

Registration roundtable

The fee for attending the roundtable and the SNPI-dinner for our international guests and members is € 125,- (incl. taxes). To be paid in cash at the start of the roundtable.

Members of SNPI can attend the roundtable for free, just as the dinner event in the evening.

Non-members fee is € 375,- for the whole day. to be paid in cash at the start of the roundtable.

The first 10 multinational companies, will receive a free ticket for the whole day!
